What I’ve learned about trying to earn love


I now see that a lot of my neuroses has been rooted in insecurity and fear. Not feeling secure and feeling that the burden of my safety, my life happenings, my success, my joy, everything – weighed solely on my shoulders with no other help or guidance. And all of it was life or death.

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The Practice

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Growing up, I’ve always felt like I had to change for the people in my life – myself included – to become more this or more that in order to fit in and just feel like I belonged somewhere. From family to friends, I rarely felt good enough as is.

I’m not sure if this is something that everyone experiences while growing up or if I subconsciously sought it out and manifested it into my life, but I was stuck in a loop of always trying to please everyone else. In the process of rearranging yourself to other people’s needs, it’s easy to lose sight of yourself.

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Leaving the door cracked


“If I’m not the one for you, you gotta stop holding me the way you do.”
– Adele, Water under the bridge

Love is an amazing thing. It’s said to have the ability to change our brain chemistry. We get hooked on love like a drug addict and latch on to our lover for dear life. Like we need them more than food, water, and air. They become our source of happiness and meaning.

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Think and Speak Clean


I’ve started becoming borderline obsessed with detoxing and cleansing. I’ve long been a fan of holistic health (thanks to my mom) but I have recently happened upon the idea that I can cure my pesky adult acne by making some dietary changes and lifestyle changes.

While altering my diet for one week straight and being THAT person at brunch who doesn’t drink the mimosas and asks the waiter if they have whole wheat bread, I started to think of the other beneficial kind of detox. Not the one that benefits our physical being, but the one that benefits our minds and mental well-being.

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